About me

Hello and welcome! My name is Reedham Patel, and I am a highly experienced video game developer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Diploma in Video Game Programming. With 4+ years of experience in the video game industry, I have honed my skills and developed a deep passion for creating engaging and immersive gaming experiences.
Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects, from small indie games to large-scale AAA titles. Along the way, I have gained in-depth knowledge of both the Unreal and Unity game engines, which has enabled me to push the boundaries of what is possible in video game development.
My expertise in Unreal and Unity has allowed me to create games with stunning graphics, immersive gameplay, and intuitive mechanics. I am a firm believer that video games have the power to transport players to new worlds and engage them in new and exciting ways, and I strive to create games that do just that.
Whether you are a seasoned gamer or new to the world of video games, I am confident that my skills and experience will enable me to create games that you will love. So let's get started and create the next great video game together!

Curriculum Vitae (CV)


May 2022 – Present
Dynasty Loop, Game Programmer
Working on unannounced Game project.

Main responsibilities

-Designed and developed code architecture and AI system from scratch.
-Developing the gameplay and mechanics for game project with a team of 10+ personnel.
-Creating procedural animation tool that allows to animate 50 different characters.
-Integrated 3D pathfinding in game.

Environment: C++. Unreal Engine 5. Mobile Platforms. Multithreading. Gameplay Programming. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Perforce. Optimization. Game Design. Game Development. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Procedural Animation. Optimizing Performance

Oct 2021 - May 2022
Hausvalet, Unity Developer(VR Developer)
Created a VR application that allows user to browse rental properties in the VR environment

Main responsibilities

-Redesign and develop the software architecture for existing applications.
-Modify code structure and make applications more optimized for low-end devices.
-Add In-Application voice and video communication system with AGORA.
-Making API Calls more secure and more efficient.
-Crafted JSON based localization.
-Developed Top-Down Singleton Factory pattern based architecture.
Application Link: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/hausvalet-vr/id1596353498

Environment: Unity, C#, Agora, ReactJS, NodeJS, Unity VR.

April 2018 - Nov 2019
Maruti games, Game Programmer

Main responsibilities

-Design and developed an endless runner game or turn-based based strategy game in unity/Unreal.
-Integrated monetization tools in the game.
-Developed Level progression system.
-Implemented AI Framework for basic behaviour(FSM).

Environment:C++, C#, Unity, Unreal.

My Skills

Good Team Player

Highly adaptable, flexible professional who embraces teamwork, but also enjoys working independently.

Programming Languages

C#, C++, Java, GLSL (Shaders),
Python, CG(HLSL)


Multi-threading, Reflection, PropertyGroups, MethodGroups, Lambda/Anonymous/Delegate, Params, Attributes.


Visual Studio, Eclipse, Notepad++,
Visual Studio Code,Intellij Idea, Pycharm


Git, GitHub, Jira, Trello

I'm an adept programmer and love learning

I am very fast learner and gaming is my passion. I always look forward to learn new technologies and tools in game development field.

Design Patterns

Top Down Architecture, Factory Pattern, Singleton, Object Pooling Factory Pattern State Machine, observer

Game AI

Genetic, Flocking AI, State Machine, A*, GOAP, Binary Tree


MS SQL Server workbench, SQL Server, JSON, XML, Binary


XML, JSON, Binary, Text

Other Software's

Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visio

Empathic listener and Persuasive speaker

I am good listener and i tend to belive detail-oriented listening is the key to understand someone's way of approaching different problems.

Game engines

Unity Engine, Unreal Engine

Unity Engine

Editor Scripting, Editor Variables/Menus, UI, Unity Physics system, Animations, Sound, Particle Systems, Controller Support, NavMesh, Profiler, Shader Development, Shader Graph, Image/Tile Filling, Materials and Lighting, Shader Development, Rewired Input System, Unity New Input System, Local Multiplayer Support, Lambert Lighting, PBR(Physically-Based Rendering)

Unreal Engine

Online Multiplayer Support, Material Creation(Intermediate), UI, Blueprint, Animations, Sound, Particle System, Lighting, Replication.

Projects & Work

Welcome to my video game project, created using the powerful game engines of Unreal and Unity. This project has been a labor of love, with countless hours spent crafting every detail to create an immersive gaming experience. From the stunning graphics to the engaging gameplay, this project is a testament to the potential of modern game development.

Projects Inventory

Aquarium Simulation (Utility AI)

UE5, Procedural Animation, AI

Aquarium Simulation is built using UE5 and utilizes procedural animations, nanite, and luman lightning. Adding new fish is a breeze, thanks to the ingeniously designed control rig blueprint nods that facilitate an effortless and streamlined animation process.
The fish's AI is also quite advanced; they grow hungry over time and even experience sadness when left alone for extended periods, giving them their own personalities and traits. You can interact with the fish by tapping on the glass, asking them various questions, or feeding them when they're hungry.


Arrow Maniac

2D Platformer, Local Multiplayer, Action

Arrow Maniac is a 2D-platformer couch co-op local multiplayer game with a fast-paced environment. Where up to two player can connect their controller in the same system in order to play the game. Also Game Used To follow Top-down singleton architecture with Highly scalability .

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Cyber Redumption

C++, Replication, Blueprint

Cyber redemption is online multiplayer Game build with the support of C++ Programming in the Unreal Engine and With Highly Scalable Architecture.

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Unreal Shader Developemnt


AAA Standard shaders for the Snow with Different material Combination. Also Created Different Shaders for Hologram Effect, Ultra realistic sea water material ,Blending between Different textures For landscape and Terrain Creation.

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Shader Development Unity


Using pixel and lighting manipulation created different kind of material like Normal And Bump Material, Holographic material, Water Shaders,Decal Texture , PBR Material and Outline Material

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Hospital Simulation

GoapAI, C#(Advance), A*

"Simulation-based on Goal-oriented action planning (Smart AI), GOAP is an artificial intelligence system for agents that allows them to plan a sequence of actions to satisfy a particular goal. AI Or NPC Will Plan Their Own Plan And Follow The Action Sequence For It. Custom Editor tool That Will Indicate Their Current Action and Their Future actions. NPC can have certain beliefs or Sub goals and based on that NPC change their plan its totally dynamic AI rather than following hard structured state machine-based AI All agents Follow the A* pathfinding algorithm to reach the destination. "

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C# ,Shader Lab

Brick Breaker (platformer) is a Breakout clone ,which the player must smash a wall of bricks by deflecting a bouncing ball with a paddle. The paddle may move horizontally and is controlled with the BlackBerry's trackwheel, the computer's mouse or the touch of a finger (in the case of touchscreen). The player gets 1 lives to start with; a life is lost if the ball hits the bottom of the screen. However In this Game AI Was created that will play game on its own in "GOD MODE"

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Flocking AI


Fish Flock is an easy-to-use asset that manage a shoal of fish. The fishes move in flock and keep themselves as a group and also avoiding to collide with each other as they swim. Also They Follow Predator and Prey relationship , So Big Fishes try to hunt down small fishes and flock of small fishes try to escape them also its dependent on the prey's Food attraction factor.

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Space Bomber

C#,Scriptable Objects, Unity3D

Space Bomber is Top-down -3d-shooter game. IN the Game player has to survive waves of enemies and get the high score. There was UI indication in top right that indicate the player score. Also there were variety of bomb in the game which used to spawn after some time.

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Last Soul

C#, Unity2D

Last Soul is 2d platformer game where Player has to reach top of the map in order to complete level while avoiding obstacles and gathering souls.


Goup Soup

C#, Top-Down Single Flow, Object pool

Goup soup is a top-down 2D game , where player has to destroy zombies by throwing exact matching spell of their color on them.

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Space X


SpaceX Is 3D Side view Game , Where end goal is reach to opposite site platform without touching any moving obstacle in the game.

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Battleship Game Java

Java, Java-Swing

Battleship (also Battleships or Sea Battle[1]) is a strategy type guessing game for two players. It is played on ruled grids (paper or board) on which each player's fleet of ships (including battleships) are marked. The locations of the fleets are concealed from the other player. Players alternate turns calling "shots" at the other player's ships, and the objective of the game is to destroy the opposing player's fleet.

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Editor tools

Unity Editor Scripting, C#, Scriptable Assets, Generic Class Generation

Color tool -Editor tool that help to color the texture and then later on that texture can be applied on different 3D objects. Editor tool - Editor Tool that can be extended beyond creating a prefabs based on Number of factors.

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A brief summary of my professional work experience in form of documents or online profiles. If you would like to see some more details on my source codes, check out my Github Repository.

Contact me

Feel free to write me an email, i would love to hear your story. Use the details below to get in touch with me.